He has 37 years of industry experience at BP, BAe (Space and Comms) and beyond. His primary focus in the last decade and half has been researching emerging technology, educating executives and business leaders on their likely impact and disruption.
He a certified Futurist with the Institute For The Future, accepted into the Association of Professional Futurists in 2020, and recently helped author a report on the Future of Space for Deloitte NExT Futures team.
网络安全领域的领军人物, 汤姆·约翰逊从一个十几岁的黑客变成了一个受人尊敬的网络安全学生和专业人士. His journey provides valuable insights into the evolution of 网络安全 threats and defences, particularly the concept of the “Human Firewall.”
汤姆•约翰逊’s fascination with hacking began at a young age. Despite facing legal troubles as a teenager for his hacking activities, he redirected his skills towards positive contributions in 网络安全.
Professor of Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Robert Gordon University
他开创了跨不同领域的人工智能驱动解决方案的开发,并帮助企业智能地转变现有实践. 他在布拉德福德大学完成了3D建模和人脸识别博士学位, he joined Robert Gordon University School of Computing as a lecturer in 2009. He then progressed to be a Senior Lecturer in 2015 and a Reader in 2018.
In 2020, he was promoted to the rank of full Professor in Machine Learning and Computer Vision. His research is focused on applied computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning. He collaborates extensively with various industries across Scotland, 积极参与创建最先进的人工智能解决方案,以优化和数字化转型其运营. With a track record encompassing over 100 publications in AI and Machine Learning, 指导12名成功完成博士学位的学生, and leadership on more than 30 innovative industry projects, 他在2023年获得了知识转移伙伴关系年度学术奖,并入围了2024年博天堂入口知识交流奖.
Head of Incident Response and Threat Intelligence, Quorum Cyber
詹姆斯Allman-Talbot is Head of Incident Response and Threat Intelligence at Quorum Cyber, 拥有超过14年的网络安全工作经验,涉及多个行业,包括航空航天和国防, 执法, 专业服务.
谢丽尔纽曼 is the founder and CEO of B-Corp certified Appetite for Business, 2016年推出, which offers scalability solutions for businesses through accessible technology.
具有支持公司数字化转型和实施微软技术的背景, Sheryl is a passionate advocate for women in business and women in technology, holding previous roles such as President of Women Connect and Co-Founder of Girl Geek Scotland.
These experiences lead to the creation of TAAP as a platform for creating applications faster, 小型团队, 错误更少, with as much flexibility and functionality as conventional software applications.
在她的角色中, 杰玛负责通过公开报告和其他渠道进行可持续发展信息披露和沟通, 通过创新的方法和同事驱动的参与和行动来减少企业排放, supporting communities and colleagues through employee volunteering and engagement approaches, 发展第三部门和慈善伙伴关系,创造积极的社会和环境影响.
Bellrock Technology首席技术官
Professor 斯蒂芬·麦克阿瑟 has spent 30 years with the University of Strathclyde, 从研究员到杰出教授,现在是他们的副校长和工程执行院长.
While his main area of expertise is applying artificial intelligence in power and energy systems, 在过去的11年里担任Bellrock的首席技术官, he has helped design and create the Lumen product. 这支持智能系统和数据分析产品和服务的有效和快速部署, and is being used by customers across eight different industry sectors 包括能源, 金融科技和铁路运输.
James (Jim) Gough is a software architect, author, and Java Champion. He has authored “Optimizing Java” and “Mastering API Architecture,” both published by O’Reilly.
Currently a Distinguished Engineer leading the Firmwide API Program at Morgan Stanley, he is responsible for designing secure API architectures using Kubernetes and Service Mesh, emphasizing Zero Trust frameworks and Micro-segmentation.
艾琳曾在警察部门工作了30年, 晋升为总督察, and is now a regular conference speaker on topics concerning GDPR, 网络安全, 数据保护, 人为错误, 培训, 多样性, 赋予女性权力. Irene is also an Advisory Board Member for the Cyber Centre of Excellence (CCoE).
布莱恩, 拥有超过25年的安全经验,在规划和交付安全架构方面拥有丰富的经验, Cyber Security and running of security platforms and functions, 主要是在大型金融机构内.
他之前的职位包括安全架构主管(英国四大银行),负责网络安全要求的交付, IT安全主管(英国四大银行),提供全球IT安全作为一套明确定义的服务, 将变更引入由Global IT Security功能所拥有的基础设施的全面责任,以确保符合架构标准和操作原则以及变更管理标准.
With a substantial knowledge of Control Frameworks (including ISO27001, 安全部队SoGP, NIST, 袜, 香港金管局, MAS) 布莱恩在组建团队方面有着良好的记录, developing functions and implementing and improving processes.
Head of Technical Centre of Excellence, Resillion
Before strategically leading Resillion’s Penetration Testing and Red Team services, Trevor是一名经过认证的红队和渗透测试员,拥有14年以上的行业经验.
Some of his previous roles includes CREST Certified Simulated Attack Specialist (CCSAS), 检查组长(CTL), CREST认证基础设施测试员(CCT Inf), CREST Certified Web Application Tester and many more.
Business Transformation Consulting Manager, Sopra Steria Next
Jo is a Consulting Manager at Sopra Steria Next. With a background in operational leadership and over a decade of consulting experience, 她曾帮助复杂的跨国组织设计和实施优化的运营模式.
Jo领导了多个行业的快速转型和战略性多年全球项目, 包括能源 & utilities, financial services, and the public sector.
She is a passionate advocate for human-centred organisations.