自成立以来, ScotSoft已经接待了来自谷歌等组织的各种本地和国际演讲者, 亚马逊, 微软, 思科, CGI和更多.
青年软件工程师奖邀请了凯文·布里奇斯等喜剧演员在晚宴后发表演讲, to athletes like Sir Chris Hoy, to motivational speakers like SAS: Who Dares Wins’ Colin Maclachlan, to “People Hacker” Jenny Radcliffe.
ScotSoft 2024年会
08.30 – 09.00登记
茶 and coffee provided upon arrival.
09.00 – 09.25欢迎
A welcome from ScotlandIS CEO, Karen Meechan, to open the conference.
09.25 – 10.25 KEYNOTE: 乔·利特尔教授
著名未来学家, 乔·利特尔教授, 他将以题为“人类最重要的十年以及软件将如何实现这一目标”的主题演讲拉开会议的序幕.’
10.25 – 10.50打破
11.00 – 11.40第一期
Head of Incident Response and Threat Intelligence, Quorum Cyber
The Rise of Application Vulnerability: A Call for Action
网络犯罪分子越来越多地利用应用程序中的漏洞来破坏组织的网络并获取有价值的数据. 尽快开发和发布应用程序的竞争使得其中许多应用程序容易被利用. 安全漏洞导致了大规模的商业信息以及员工和客户的个人数据被盗.
詹姆斯·阿尔曼-塔尔博特将解释威胁行为者为什么以及如何瞄准弱点,以及为什么现在必须采取行动. 他将强调从一开始设计和构建软件就考虑到安全的重要性,以帮助保护机密和敏感数据不落入坏人之手.
Eyad will guide you through the AI landscape, 强调了在我们的社会中采用人工智能的新趋势和优势. He will also address concerning challenges, 潜在的风险,并引发了我们作为社会迫切需要保持或重新思考我们当前做法的思考.
Chief Operating Officer, OSP Cyber Academy
GDPR Adventure: Empowering Your 茶m to be Data Protection Heroes
Appetite for Business首席执行官,普华永道企业可持续发展总监
How Business Leaders Can Be Climate Leaders
Product Developer and QA Manager, Inoapps
11.50 – 12.30第二阶段
Head of Technical Centre of Excellence, Resillion
Trevor will highlight how you can unify, 简化, 并利用单窗格(SPoG)加速您的安全补救流程. Intelligently aggregating and prioritising vulnerabilities, SPoG transforms findings into actionable remediation items. 根据您的业务目标量身定制,并与现有工具无缝集成, SPoG automates workflows and enhances data with intelligence, experiencing fewer vulnerabilities, significantly less manual tasks, 提高生产率和投资回报率, and robust security management.
Head of Technical Delivery, i-confidential
Ransomware: Understanding the Threat and How to Prepare for It
Ransomware is a top concern for cyber security teams everywhere. Organisations of all kinds are being successfully targeted, 不断有新闻报道记录了这些袭击造成的毁灭性后果.
This session will explore exactly what ransomware is, 它是如何工作的, 是什么让它成为网络犯罪分子如此成功的攻击形式.
最重要的是, it will also outline what can be done to defend against this threat, and the responses available should the worst happen, including some complex legal and ethical considerations. 最后,会议将探讨罪犯和受害者的未来.
12.40 – 13.30日午餐
茶, 提供咖啡和自助午餐,并有机会交流和浏览展厅.
13.40 – 14.20第三节
AI App Builders and the Future of Software Development
在过去的50多年里, 软件行业关注的是“实现”的挑战——如何编写软件. 这是缓慢的, 昂贵的, 容易出错, and attracts heavy maintenance costs and technical debt, until finally the software has to be re-written again. This is the software industry, but not any longer.
TAAP的Steve Higgon将讨论AI应用程序构建器以及软件开发行业的未来如何从“实现”转向“AI辅助知识工程”。. 他将介绍TAAP的技术如何在几分钟内生成功能齐全的企业级应用程序, machine-generated and bug-free.
This is the next stage in the evolution of the no-code paradigm, further accelerating the process of developing software, not just by Citizen Developers and Domain Experts but professional programmers; the more you know, 你能做的就越多!
Observable, Secure Architectures using FINOS Architecture as Code
FINOS(金融开源基金会)主持了开源的CALM架构即代码项目. CALM aims to provide a modelling environment for complex systems, but it is not necessarily tied to finance.
在这个演讲中, James and Nick will explore the motivations behind CALM, 它是如何工作的, and the usage in complex platform teams.
They will cover how they introduced Observability, 行为, 和安全概念作为补充领域加入到CALM模型中,以及它对不同团队的价值. The pair will look at patterns and how they are structured, using an example from Mastering API Architecture. 使用CALM CLI,他们将创建架构的可视化, generate a pattern instantiation, and validate the pattern integrity. 从这里, 他们将演示如何使用CALM在Kubernetes上部署他们的Observable示例.
14.30 – 15.10第四节
Chief Technology Officer, Bellrock Technology
Accelerating Successful Data and AI Product Journeys
斯蒂芬将重点介绍商业和工业如何使用数据和人工智能的例子, including the opportunities they hope to unlock, barriers they face before they can unlock the opportunity, and how partnerships can help – such as companies, 软件供应商, 研究团队.
他将介绍Bellrock在构建增值数据和人工智能解决方案方面的案例研究和经验, 以及这些公司如何应对技术和运营方面的挑战.
Stephen的演讲最后将深入探讨人工智能如何通过自组织系统帮助构建人工智能产品, and what the future of building data and AI products looks like.
Business Transformation Consulting Manager, Sopra Steria Next
Transformation Leadership: Strategies for Lasting Change
As organisations struggle to get to grips with Gen AI, 我们能从以往数字化转型的成功和失败中学到什么?
From operating models to people and leadership, to governance and decision making, 我们将研究如何建立组织来创造有价值的改变.
15.15 – 15.35打破
15.45 – 16.主题演讲:Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson’s fascination with hacking began at a young age. 尽管他在青少年时期因黑客行为而面临法律纠纷, 他将自己的技能转向了网络安全方面的积极贡献.
这次演讲不仅将重点介绍汤姆·约翰逊在黑客的秘密地下世界中的个人旅程, 但也强调了在组织内部建立强大的“人类防火墙”以对抗不断演变的网络威胁的重要性, exploring things that would make your toes curl.
16.45 – 17.00会议结束
CEO Karen Meechan will close the conference.
Young Software Engineer Awards Dinner
18.15 – 18.45香槟招待会
18.45 – 21.25日晚餐
Welcome and housekeeping, before three-course dinner and wine.
30多年来, we’ve been celebrating the young software engineers of tomorrow from each of our Scottish universities; many have gone on to perform some incredible roles and achievements around the globe.
我们将奖励第一名, 2日的地方, 排名第3位, and Best Engineering Prize to students on the night, with prizes kindly sponsored by Sopra Steria, BCS, Resillion and Leidos respectively.
22.15 – 23.00餐后娱乐
A brief welcome from After Dinner Entertainment sponsor, 劳埃德银行集团, will be followed by a set from the brilliant Red Hot Chilli Pipers.